The Last Resort Hotel in Luigi's Mansion iii has quite a few bosses, some of which are more hard than others. Now that the game is out, Luigi needs to defeat the dominate ghosts on every floor and save his family unit from imprisonment.Luigi's Mansion iiiis an awesome game, but the boss battles can be pretty catchy if the player doesn't know their weak points.

In Luigi'south Mansion 3, the Last Resort Hotel has several themed floors that are based on concepts that wouldn't normally be seen in aLuigi'due south Mansiongame, such as a disco and a pirate ship. The themed floors have their ain guardian spirits who encompass their concept to the cadre, which means that Luigi will be fighting pyrokinetic DJs and undead sharks with the power to possess an entire pirate vessel.

The developers said thatLuigi's Mansion 3would accept better bosses and they lived upwardly to their argument, every bit the boss fights are some of the highlights of the game. The people who are having trouble with the denizens of the Concluding Resort Hotel need look no farther, as we have created a guide that tells you how to bust these ghosts.

The Steward Guide

The Steward uses the suitcases strewn around the boss arena as a shield to protect itself from Luigi's Strobulb. In guild to striking the Steward, the player needs to use the Strobulb to cause him to lift the suitcase, and then use Luigi'south Stomp move to knock it from his easily. This will leave the Steward open to a second Strobulb blast that will stun him and leave him open up to a slam attack from the Poltergust. Practise this 3 or iv times and he should exist defeated.

Chambrea Guide

Chambrea hides a suitcase in her body that Luigi needs to think. In order to damage Chambrea, the player needs to stun her with the Strobulb and follow upward with a plunger shot to the suitcase. Luigi can grab the plunger with the suction power of the Poltergust and slam Chambrea into the footing. Chambrea will eventually abscond to a different room. Luigi tin can use the Dark-Light Device to check the corridors, every bit she will leave an imprint on the door of the room she is hiding in. Repeat the same process as before to defeat her.

Kruller Guide

This boss fight requires the use of Gooigi to succeed. Ship Gooigi into the shuttered area while dodging Kruller's h2o pistol, every bit the h2o volition crusade Gooigi to melt. Utilize the Strobulb to crusade Kruller to grab his sunglasses and follow up with a Stomp to knock them off his head. Once his glasses are gone, the thespian can utilize the Strobulb to stun Kruller and grab him with the Poltergust for a slam attack. Do this three or four times and he should be defeated.

Chef Souffle Guide

Chef Souffle tin use his large pan to hide from the Strobulb. Once he lifts the pan, burn down a plunger and grab it with the Poltergust to wrench it from his hands, leaving him vulnerable to beingness stunned past the Stroblulb and slammed with the Poltergust. After he has taken damage, Chef Souffle will kickoff spinning and will chase Luigi around the kitchen. The Chef is invulnerable during this stage, and so just keep running from him and use the ovens as cover. He will somewhen vesture himself out and return to his regular state, where he can be hit with the Strobulb and Poltergust.

Amadeus Wolfgeist Guide

Amadeus Wolfgeist will outset the battle by causing the chairs in the auditorium to fly at Luigi. Merely keep dodging them until all of the chairs are gone. He will and so transport out a group of dancing ghosts to hassle Luigi, all of which can be defeated by using the Strobulb and the Stomp to destroy their masks, leaving them open to a second Strobulb and the Poltergust.

Amadeus will and then possess the piano and will use his new form to assail Luigi. Keep dodging the piano's diving attacks and use the Stomp to contrivance the shockwave whenever it hits the basis hard. The piano will eventually leap on the stage and shoot bombs at Luigi. Use the Poltergust to grab a bomb and fire information technology into the lid of the piano, which will stun it. Luigi tin then catch the piano with the plunger and throw it on the ground, causing Amadeus to announced. Amadeus tin then be striking with the Strobulb and a Poltergust slam assault.

There are two more phases to the piano stage of the battle and it will start firing its keys like missiles. Simply back off as much as possible in order to have more room to dodge the keys as they spread out. Repeat the flop and plunger tactic 2 more times and Amadeus will exist defeated.

King MacFrights Guide

King MacFrights will mount a horse and charge around the arena during the battle. When he lifts his lance and it starts to glow, the arrow slits will outset to fire arrows into the arena. The arrows will sometimes drib healing hearts when they hit the opposite wall.

Wait for King MacFrights to charge Luigi directly and hit him with a charged-up Strobulb shot, leaving him vulnerable to a plunger shot, which tin can be grabbed with the Poltergust and used to slam him into the ground. The Rex'due south armor volition intermission and he will come at Luigi in his ghost form with his shield. He will eventually grow dizzy from the chase and will be open to a hit from the Strobulb and a Poltergust slam attack.

Dr. Potter Guide

The player needs to grab the Saw particular with the Poltergust, which might be catchy to see if you don't know that information technology'southward in the arena. Dr. Potter volition hide behind his potted plant and will use information technology to attack Luigi. Just wait for the potted plant to take hold of onto another flower when it attacks and chop it in half with the Saw. This will leave Dr. Potter vulnerable to being stunned and striking with the Poltergust.

The Kaiju Ghost Guide

Luigi doesn't actually fight the ghost dominate of the Paranormal Productions fight. Instead, he has to help him moving picture a motion-picture show scene involving a ghost in a monster costume.

The Kaiju Ghost will burn down a ball of diminutive energy at Luigi, which can be pushed dorsum with the Poltergust in order to bargain impairment. This will cause the Kaiju Ghost to start burning with bluish energy and it will begin firing minor assurance of fire that need to be dodged. The next time information technology fires a ball of atomic energy, information technology volition push dorsum against the Poltergust. The only way to harm information technology during this exam of strength is to summon Gooigi and accept him employ his Poltergust at the same fourth dimension, which will create plenty pressure level to fire the ball into the ghost. This procedure needs to be repeated one more fourth dimension and volition end with a QTE involving both Gooigi and Luigi equally they slam the Kaiju Ghost into the basis.

Polterkitty Guide

The Polterkitty is fought several times throughoutLuigi's Mansion 3and will be faced for the first time afterwards defeating the Kaiju Ghost. Luigi volition need to rail the Polterkitty beyond several dissimilar floors and rooms using the Dark-Lite Device, as it volition get out its footprints on the basis and walls.

The Polterkitty can turn into a monstrous form that likes to sit in high places. Just have Luigi stand up perfectly however and expect for the Polterkitty to come down and get close. When it unsheathes its claws, spin around hit it with the Strobulb, leaving it open to the Poltergust and a slam attack. The player will need to repeat this process several times throughout the game earlier Polterkitty is fought.

T-Rex & Ug Guide

The T-Rex is not as tough as information technology looks. Await for the two eggs to drib from the ceiling and grab i of them with the Poltergust. The egg can exist fired into the T-Rex'south mouth, causing information technology to chow downwards and leaving its rib cage vulnerable. Luigi needs to grab the second egg and fire into the T-Rex's chest before information technology finishes eating. The histrion will but have access to a unmarried egg during the second stage of the battle. Luckily for Luigi, he has an edible friend in the form of Gooigi. Let the T-Rex chow downwards on Gooigi and so hit information technology in the chest with the egg.

The T-Rex will start moving effectually during the third phase of the battle. There are piles of rib cages strewn effectually the room during this phase of the fight, so grab a rib cage with the Poltergust, run under the T-King, and fire information technology upwards into its chest. Ug the caveman ghost volition sally during the final phase of the battle. Just go along dodging his club attacks and wait for him to practice a huge swing into the ground, equally this volition create a shockwave that can be avoided with the Stomp. Run in for a Strobulb hit and a Poltergust slam. Repeat this procedure four or five times and he should exist defeated.

Clem Guide

The fight against Clem is one of the hardest in the game, due to the need to principal the sailing controls. Luigi tin can button or pull the gunkhole with the assistance of the Poltergust, allowing him to move across the water.

The pool of the boss loonshit is lined with spikes, which means that going too shut to the edge will crusade Luigi to exist shot out of the pool. Luckily, the same rules utilize to Clem and the easiest fashion to defeat him is by pushing him into the spikes with the Poltergust, causing him to be knocked out of the arena. Luigi then needs to reach the ladder and climb out of the pool, as y'all tin't pop your ain boat to go to him quicker because the game volition force you to inflate a new boat and get dorsum into the pool first. Once you reach Clem, you lot tin can hit him with the Strobulb and follow up with a slam attack from the Poltergust. It's besides possible to lure Clem into existence striking by one of his depth charges, but this is tricky to pull off in comparing to just pushing him into the spikes.

Serpci Guide

Serpci volition create a huge head fabricated out of sand and hide inside of it. Luigi tin use the Poltergust to suck upwardly the sand and cause the head to autumn about. A crown of snakes will emerge from the sand head and assault Luigi while he tries to suck up the sand. If the snakes hit the ground, they will be left stunned and can be destroyed with a Stomp, which will exit healing hearts behind.

In one case the head is destroyed, Serpci will announced and surround herself with serpent statues that burn down blasts at Luigi. Wait until the snakes use their attack and utilise the Stomp, as this volition make Luigi invulnerable to their attack. Serpci will then be vulnerable to being hitting by the Strobulb and the Poltergust.

In the 2nd phase of the boxing, Serpci will summon huge hands made of sand that will attack Luigi. The fists tin exist broken with a Stomp if used when they are shut plenty. If the hands hitting the ground and create a shockwave, use the Stomp to avert the blast. Repeat the whole process three times and Serpci should be defeated.

Nikki, Lindsey, & Ginny Guide

These iii magicians volition hide in their top hats throughout the battle. They will fire playing cards at Luigi which tin can either be dodged or broken with a Stomp. Expect until the hats close in on Luigi for a melee attack and employ the Stomp to knock them into the ground. In one case the hats are knocked down, you can grab one of their tassels and smash it with the Poltergust, revealing a ghost that tin can be hit with the Strobulb and slammed with the Poltergust.

The battle will start again, except that the missing ghost will be replaced with a bomb. The player will need to keep track of which hats have a ghost in and repeat the aforementioned process equally before. Once the 2d ghost is defeated, there will exist two hats with bombs in them. Just keep runway of which hat has the ghost and get for information technology when they it's knocked to the ground.

Helm Fishhook Guide

This boxing will be very familiar to those who playedThe Fable of Zelda: Link's AwakeningandAss Kong Land 3, equally it'southward a mixture of the Facade battle from the former (which is one of the best dominate battles inThe Legend of Zeldaseries) and Belcha from the latter.

Captain Fishhook is a ghostly shark with the power to possess the pirate ship that Luigi is standing on. The ghosts around the stage will drop exploding barrels, which Luigi can grab with the Poltergust and toss into Fishhook's mouth. This will cause him to return to his shark class. Just continue dodging his attacks and wait for him to get his hook stuck in the footing, equally this volition leave him vulnerable to the Strobulb and a Poltergust slam set on. The second phase is a repeat of the first.

In the third phase of the battle, Fishhook with attempt to tip the ship over. Run over to the sign with the target painted on it, burn down a plunger at it, and grab the plunger with the Poltergust. Luigi tin can utilise this to hang from the ship when information technology gets tipped in the air. Fishhook will then possess the side of the transport, simply the process of defeating it with the barrels is the aforementioned. The target sign will move in after phases of the battle, then aim the plunger carefully.

Fishhook will be able to swim through the transport itself during the concluding phase of the boxing. Just run abroad from him and repeat the previous procedure to defeat him.

Johnny Deepend Guide

This battle requires the aid of Gooigi to complete, but he needs to exist conscientious, as Johnny Deepend can spit out a jet of water that tin can cook Gooigi where he stands.

Summon Gooigi and have him hide behind the pillar side by side to the valve at the far end of the room. Switch to Luigi and grab a brawl with the Poltergust. Expect for Deepend to commencement building up for a water attack and burn the ball at him, leaving him stunned. Switch back to Gooigi and utilize the Poltergust to activate the valve, causing the h2o in the pond puddle to drain and trapping Deepend in the plug socket.

Climb down the ladder into the pool and catch a ball with the Poltergust. Burn the ball at Deepend to stun him, pull off his sunglasses with the Poltergust, hitting him with the Strobulb, and follow upward with a slam set on from the Poltergust.

The Dancers & DJ Phantasmagloria Guide

The first phase of this battle involves Luigi battling ghosts in a haunted disco. Luigi has to face off against a grouping of hooded ghosts on the dancefloor, one of whom has the elevator push that he needs to continue. The ghost holding the central can exist revealed with the Strobulb (just look for the flash) and then hit it with a Stomp. The intention is to attempt and capture the ghost holding the central each time, which will prompt the DJ to enter the battlefield.

DJ Phantasmagloria volition perform a spin assault with two flaming vinyl records in her easily. She tin be knocked dorsum three times with a Stomp attack and when she reappears, hit her with the Strobulb to cause her to hide within her afro. Once she starts hiding, the afro can be knocked off with a Stomp, leaving her vulnerable to the Strobulb and a slam set on from the Poltergust. DJ Phantasmagloria will starting time rolling flaming vinyl records beyond the stage in later on phases of the battle, but the same process tin can be repeated to defeat her.

Hellen Gravely Guide

The battlefield has a column in its center that tin fire ruby lasers and create dissentious walls of energy. If a single red laser appears at the bottom of the cavalcade, use the Stomp to avoid it. If multiple lasers appear, and then run in the contrary management until it stops. There are lights around the top of the arena that can be hit with the Strobulb to cause healing hearts to drop to the basis.

Gooigi is needed to win this battle. Summon Gooigi and send him through the grates into the hush-hush surface area below the loonshit. There are four switches that can be pulled to plough off the colored walls of free energy. The Poltergust can be used to push or pull the barriers that expect like turnstiles. Keep an middle on Luigi and exist ready to switch back if it looks like the walls or Hellen Gravelley is nearly to hurt him.

Wait for Hellen to hit the ground with her mirror, as this volition leave her vulnerable to the Strobulb and the Poltergust. The reason why its best to shut off the walls before attacking her is that Hellen will drag Luigi around the arena and perchance pull him into an free energy wall. It's possible (but risky) to land an assail on Hellen without taking out every wall.

The later phases of the boxing are similar to the first, except that the laser column will switch between its footing axle and multiple beams. If flashing blue lights appear in the underground, then that means the area will be flooded and Gooigi will need to motility. Keep repeating the process and Hellen volition be defeated.

King Boo Guide

King Boo is back for an epic showdown on superlative of the Last Resort Hotel. If there are any Aureate Bones left in Due east. Gadd's shop then buy them now, every bit this is the concluding challenge of the game. Male monarch Boo uses several attacks during the battle, including striking the stage with his tongue (dodge this), whipping across the phase with his tongue (employ the Stomp to avoid), lighting upwards the floor with electricity (run to the uncolored area of the flooring), and spitting out fireballs which need to be avoided.

The most important assault that King Boo uses is when he throws a huge spiked ball at the ground, equally bombs will come out and land on the stage. Catch a bomb with the Poltegust and burn down it into Male monarch Boo's mouth, knocking him down to the stage. Utilise the Poltegust to grab Rex Boo's tongue and get Gooigi to do the same for a double slam assault.

Male monarch Boo volition summon a clone for his 2d stage. It's easy to tell which is which, as the clone's optics will go dark throughout the battle, while Rex Boo'southward will e'er stay bright imperial. Echo the aforementioned process every bit before and make sure to burn down the bomb at the real King Boo. The third and final phase will involve Male monarch Boo splitting himself into iii. Use the same tactic as before to place the correct one. The attacks will get more intense, so just continue dodging and wait for the right time to strike before finishing King Boo off for expert.

Next: Luigi'due south Mansion 3 – Where To Find The Secret Boos

Luigi's Mansion iii is available now for the Nintendo Switch.

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