This is a guide for the items and trainers found throughout the Rocket Game Corner.

Rocket Game Corner

  • Lift Key – To observe the Lift Key, head to flooring B3 and work your way through to the due south function of the room past the spin tiles. You volition come up across a set of stairs that head downwardly to B4 and are guarded by a grunt. Take those stairs down a floor and head to the back room to notice some other grunt. Boxing and defeat him. This volition cause him to throw the Lift Key up on the ventilation arrangement. Use the nearby chair to heave Pikachu or Eevee into the vent allowing them to call up the Life Key.
  • Achieve Giovanni – To achieve Giovanni, make your mode to the 2d level and head through the spin tiles to attain an elevator. Take information technology to floor B4 to reach Giovanni's role.
  • Trainers
    • Team Rocket Grunt (1st floor)
      • Raticate – level 29
    • Team Rocket Grunt (B1) – Guarding the entrance to a room on the correct side of the floor
      • Koffing – level 29
      • Rattata – level 29
      • Rattata – level 29
    • Team Rocket Grunt (B1) – Left side of the floor side by side to the stairs leading up to the Rocket Game Corner
      • Golbat – level 29
    • Team Rocket Grunt (B2) – Guarding a hallway betwixt floors B1 and B3
      • Hypno – level 29
    • Team Rocket Grunt (B1) – Subsequently the spin tile maze on B2, take the stairs upward to B1. She will be the lady on the right side of the room.
      • Ekans – level 29
      • Arbok – level 29
    • Team Rocket Grunt (B1) -After the spin tile maze on B2, take the stairs upwardly to B1. He will be on the left side of the room.
      • Voltorb – level 29
    • Squad Rocket Grunt (B3) – Guarding the room to the southward of the stairs
      • Golbat – level 29
    • Team Rocket Grunt (B3) – Past the spin tile maze
      • Rattata – level 29
      • Voltorb – level 29
    • Squad Rocket Grunt (B4) – Take stairs by the B3 spin tiles to B4
      • Grimer – level 29
    • Team Rocket Grunt (B1) – Later obtaining Elevator Key, near the elevator
      • Zubat – level 29
      • Gastly – level 29
    • Squad Rocket Jessie and James (B4) – After obtaining Elevator Primal
      • Arbok – level 32
      • Weezing – level 32
    • Team Rocket Admin Archer (B4) – Later on obtaining Lift Primal
      • Weezing – level 33
      • Golbat – level 33
    • Team Rocket Boss Giovanni (B4) – After obtaining Lift Key
      • Persian – level 35
      • Rhyhorn – level 35
  • Item(due south) – Remember to pay attending to Eevee or Pikachu'southward tail to observe nearby subconscious items.
    • Mighty Candies x 3 (B1)
    • Ultra Bags x 5 (B1)
    • Nugget (B2)
    • Enkindling (B2)
    • PP Upwards (B2)
    • X Accuracy (hidden B2)
    • Corking Assurance 10 5 (B1) – After spin tiles on B2
    • Hyper Potion (B1) – Subsequently spin tiles on B2
    • Revive (B3)
    • X Speed (B3)
    • Rare Candy (B3)
    • PP Up (B4)
    • Hyper Potion (B4)
    • Elixir (B4) –  After obtaining the Elevator Cardinal
  • TM(south)
    • TM05 Remainder (B2) – In the spin tile maze
    • TM20 Dark Pulse (B4) –  Bottom left of the room with the stairs
  • Special Item(s)
    • Team Rocket Set (B1) – Talk to the red headed cute spy in the hallway near the lesser
    • Lift Key (B4)
    • Sliph Telescopic (B4) – Obtained after defeating Squad Rocket Boss Giovanni

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